Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Neighbors!

   The good news is that Bobby and Emily bought a house!  The great news is that it is a beautiful house, perfect for them and a mere four minutes away, driveway to driveway! No parenting book (and I've read a lot) ever mentioned the thrill of parenting adult children, celebrating along with them as they work and save and contemplate and prayerfully step into life's next beckoning. Their newest venture is an example of that sort of parental joy. Walker and I are so proud (where and when did they learn how to actually buy a house?!) and excited, not only for them, but for us, too. Almost two years ago, as they began their married life in St. Louis, our minds were settled that it was right for us to "let go". We wanted our young cherished ones to enjoy God's plan that they "leave and cleave" to each other as husband and wife. Moving 200 miles away was part of that. Our hearts would just have to deal with it.
   Now they are back, close to us and settling in for the long term. I have to say I didn't see this wonderful surprise coming. But I'm so glad it did. Emily and Bobby bought a house. And we have new neighbors.

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